Tuesday, 25 October 2011

NUI Galway Students are Targets for Theft

Published in Sin newspaper 25 Oct 2011. I collaborated with a colleague, Louise France for this one.

In recent weeks a spate or pick-pocketers have taken fifteen wallets and purses in the NUI Galway area. The incidents occurred off campus, on University Road, but those targeted were students of the college. The thefts took place during daylight hours and victims were predominantly female.

Gerry Nolan, head of Security at NUI Galway, says that the only other incidents of thefts on this scale have been bicycle thefts, “We have experienced bicycle theft to a similar degree but no other repeatable offences in such a short time frame so close to University premises.”

Despite the large number of thefts, only two were officially reported to Gardaí. As the incidents took place off campus all aspects of the investigation were handed over to Gardaí. Security services have provided them with all pertinent information and will continue to aid the investigation.

At the time of going to press there had been no further incidents reported. Gardaí are continuing to conduct regular patrols of the University Road area.

Gardaí have confirmed that there are currently no suspects for the thefts. If anyone has any information relating to the incidents contact Mill street Garda Station on 091 538000 or the Garda confidential line 1800 666 111.

This theft blitz brings up issues of personal security and how students can avoid being targeted.
The common habit of leaving purses in the outside pockets of back packs is a huge problem. These are some of the main targets for theft. These pockets can’t be seen by the back pack owner which makes it easy for thieves to take from them. The majority of thieves are masters of their art.

Gerry Nolan, gave the following advice for students: “As indicated in the circular we sent out, most incidents involved money secured in the pockets of back packs worn over the shoulder and out of sight. Please remain vigilant, refrain from storing items of value in bags you do not have complete sight of and report any incidents of theft to the Gardaí directly.”

A Garda source also spoke to Sin and advised students to be “more careful about the manner in which they secure their belongings.” He also warned against “making yourself a target by not closing your back pack properly” and stated that, while on campus last week he saw multiple students walking around with their backpacks open.

Keeping your backpack closed is definitely the best way to avoid losing your belongings. This is an obvious tip, but people have this mistake in the past and quite literally, paid dearly.

25 Oct 2011
by Jessica Thompson and Louise France

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